At Anadoa Naturhaus, we are committed to providing you with the finest aromatherapy oils, natural cosmetics and natural soaps, made with the utmost care and in compliance with the highest industry standards. Our products are manufactured in facilities certified to ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 22716:2013 standards, guaranteeing unmatched quality, safety and environmental responsibility.
Our commitment to quality is reflected in our ISO 9001:2015 certification. This ensures that every product we offer meets strict quality standards, guaranteeing you consistency, reliability and customer satisfaction.
Sustainability is at the heart of Anadoa Naturhaus. With the ISO 14001:2015 certification, we demonstrate our commitment to minimizing our environmental impact. Our production processes are designed to be environmentally friendly to reduce waste and conserve natural resources.
Your safety is our top priority. Our ISO 22716:2013 certification guarantees that our products are manufactured under strict hygiene and safety controls. This certification ensures that every product you buy from Anadoa Naturhaus is safe, effective and of the highest quality.
Experience the difference that certified quality standards make. Buy with confidence at Anadoa Naturhaus, where nature meets excellence.
Entdecken Sie die pH-neutrale Seife kollektion von Anadoa – sanft zur Haut und ideal für die tägliche Pflege. Hergestellt aus natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen und perfekt abgestimmt auf empfindliche Haut. Für ein geschmeidiges Hautgefühl und ein bewusstes Pflegeerlebnis.
Zypressenzapfenpaste – eine außergewöhnliche Verbindung aus den ätherischen Ölen handverlesener Zypressenzapfen. Die harmonisch aufeinander abgestimmten Pflanzenstoffe verleihen dieser Paste ihr charakteristisch frisches Aroma. Ideal als wohltuende Ergänzung in der Küche oder für entspannende Anwendungen, bringt sie den natürlichen Duft der Zypresse in Ihren Alltag.